The War King Read online

Page 17

  “Absolutely. For as long as you want.” His hand wandered to my shoulder and squeezed. “But you’d be smart to get out of the country until this blows over. I’m sure your father won’t be happy to hear of your friendship with Prince Henry.”

  The old, familiar twinkle sparked in her eyes. “Oh, I’m pretty sure he’ll be livid. Especially when he hears that Henry has asked me to marry him, and I’ve accepted.”

  I blinked, certain I’d misheard her. “Wait. What?”

  She nodded.

  “You don’t even know him.”

  “No, I don’t.” With a reassuring smile, she stood and smoothed the front of her dress. “I should get going. He’s waiting for me in the car.”

  “Everly, no. You can’t be serious.” I trotted after her, leaving Roman alone in the middle of the room.

  “My mind is made up. You can’t change it.” She pressed the elevator call button and faced me, her chin jutting stubbornly. “I’ve made nothing but poor choices when it comes to men. My ex-husband, then Nicky. I’m done with love. This marriage is nothing more than a business deal. I’ll have everything my heart desires.”

  “Everything but love,” I said, my chest filling with sadness. My gaze caught Roman’s. He was seated in his favorite chair, reading on his tablet. His answering smile made butterflies flutter in my stomach. She had no idea what she was sacrificing.

  “Love is for fairytales and the two of you.” She shrugged, her nonchalance breaking my heart. “What was it Nicky always said? Not everyone gets their happily-ever-after.”

  “I wish you’d reconsider.” The elevator dinged to announce its arrival. My mouth went dry. “Please don’t go. I need you.”

  “No. You don’t. You have Roman, and you’ll have a sweet little baby to take care of soon. It’s time for us to go our separate ways, Rourke.” Tears pooled in the corners of my eyes. She hugged me close. “I’m happy for you. Can’t you be happy for me too?”

  As much as I wanted to, I couldn’t say those words, not when I didn’t mean them. “I’ll come and visit you in Androvia. And you can come here. Promise me, Everly.”

  “I promise. And we can Skype.” She squeezed me tighter. With a huge sigh, she stepped into the elevator. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too. Call me as soon as you get there.”

  The elevator doors closed, taking her downstairs and out of my life. My eyes burned. I choked on a sob and buried my face in my hands.

  “Hey, what’s wrong?” Roman, sensing my distress, had come to my side. He turned me to face him and wrapped his strong arms around me. “Please don’t cry. I can’t take it.”

  “I think I’m having a nervous breakdown,” I said, swiping at the tears.

  “No one’s going to blame you for that.” He took my chin in his fingers and tilted my face to his. “She’ll be okay, Rourke. Prince Henry will take care of her.”

  “I hope so,” I said, but I couldn’t shake the feeling that our lives would never be the same.

  Chapter 28



  I tapped on Rourke’s office door and entered without knocking. She paced around the room, Bluetooth in her ear, and one hand on the small of her back. A high-waisted red dress swirled around the swell of her pregnant belly. Behind her, the wall of windows offered a clear view of Manhattan’s skyline. She lifted a finger for me to wait, a move she’d stolen from me. I bit back a smile and ignored her request. Instead, I crossed the room, put my arms around her swollen stomach, and dragged her back to my front.

  “Malcolm, we need you to sign those contracts and get them over to us right away.” She rested the back of her head on my shoulder and blinked up at me. I fell headlong into the flutter of her lacy black lashes and doe eyes. “If you’re having second thoughts on this partnership, our feelings won’t be hurt. We have an interested party is waiting in the wings, ready to take your place.”

  Pride burned through my chest. She’d exceeded my expectations in every way, sharing control of the more delicate aspects of my business and proving herself as a formidable partner. I hadn’t told her yet, but I planned to make her a vice president in the near future. I placed my mouth against her free ear. “Hang up.”

  She shook her head and frowned. The silky ends of her hair whispered over my chin. “The contracts were due yesterday. I’ve already give you a twenty-four hour extension. If you can’t uphold your side of the deal, we’re prepared to walk way.” I chuckled at her show of force and was reprimanded with a scowl. She broke free from my embrace. The heels of her shoes clicked on the floor as she strode to her desk. With a few expert clicks on the keyboard, she shut down her computer and rolled her eyes. “No. No extensions. You’ve had more than enough time to consider the offer. If you don’t comply with the deadline, we’ll consider it a refusal and pursue other avenues. I’m not going to argue with you about it.” She ended the call, removed the earpiece, and tossed it into her desk drawer.

  “Wow. You’re brutal, Mrs. Menshikov,” I said, unable to hold back my wide smile.

  “I learned from the best.” The edge of her white teeth bit into her lower lip. “You don’t think I was too harsh, do you?”

  “You were perfect.” The tension in her shoulders relaxed at my approval. Sunlight caught her eyes, bringing out the intense sky blue of her irises, and stirring desire deep in my gut. “Have I told you lately how much I love you?”

  “Twice before breakfast and once on the drive here, but I’d like to hear it again.” A radiant smile dawned across her face. My heart hammered against my ribs, the same way it had the very first time we met.

  “I love you.” I smoothed her hair over her shoulders. The silky strands caressed my skin and sent a shiver of desire to my dick.

  “I love you too.” When she returned to my embrace, I crushed her to me. She wriggled in protest, her voice filled with laughter. “You’re smashing the baby.”

  Overwhelming emotion swelled inside me, filling all the empty spaces until I felt like bursting at the seams. Fuck me if it wasn’t the greatest sensation in the world. I’d crushed rebel armies and built corporate empires, but none of those experiences topped the honor of being Rourke’s husband. She buried her face in my neck. Her warm breath tickled my neck. I ran my hands up her back. Thoughts of my parents and Ivan and all the people I’d lost during my lifetime flooded my head. I clung tighter to her, wanting to keep her in my arms forever. “I’m not sure what I did to deserve you, but I’ll never let you go. You need to know that.”

  “I’m not going anywhere, Roman.” The smell of her honey and citrus body spray drifted to my nose. I drew in her scent and clung tighter to her. Somehow she understood my feelings without my saying them. “I’ll never leave you.”

  “I know.” My throat tightened, making words difficult. I held onto her, absorbing her warmth, until something prodded my stomach.

  “Oh.” She laughed and eased out of my grip. “The baby just kicked. Did you feel it?”

  “Yes.” Wonder erased my insecurities. We’d created a new life—a new Menshikov was about to inherit my kingdom.

  “See. I told you not to smash him.” She rubbed circles over her stomach and smiled. The previous day’s sonogram had revealed the baby’s sex as male. Although I loved Milada, the idea of an heir to carry on the Menshikov name fulfilled my greatest dreams.

  “He’s already a fighter.” Visions of my son danced through my imagination. Would he be dark like me or golden like his mother? I didn’t give a damn one way or the other, as long as he was healthy and happy.

  “Of course he is. He’s your child.” A glow of contentment illuminated her creamy complexion. She slipped her hand into mine. “I’m starving. Can we go to lunch now?”

  “Absolutely. The car is waiting.”

  We held hands on the way to the elevator. Spitz met us in the lobby and rode down with us to the parking garage. When the doors opened, our security team hustled us into the waiting Escal
ade. Five bodyguards accompanied us everywhere. Spitz rode in our armored vehicle. The remaining four team members followed in an identical SUV. Rourke turned to the window and sighed as we passed through the shadows of the parking garage and into the bright daylight of bustling Manhattan.

  “Hey, what’s the heavy sigh about?” I reached across the car to find her hand.

  She threaded her fingers through mine and mustered a smile. “He’s out there somewhere, isn’t he? Watching us?”

  Although she never mentioned his name, I knew exactly who she was talking about. Mr. McElroy had managed to escape indictment for Lavender’s murder. Although he’d retreated from the public eye and the ensuing scandal, his minions continued to shadow our movements. I squeezed her hand. “You don’t have to worry about him.”

  Spitz leaned out from the front seat. “We have twenty-four-seven surveillance on him, Mrs. Menshikov.” The tension between my wife and chief of security had dissipated over the past couple of months and evolved into grudging respect. He gave her a confident smile. “That bastard can’t take a shit without one of our men knowing about it.”

  “That’s comforting.” She rolled her eyes but smiled.

  “He’ll never get to us. You have my word.” I pulled her hand to my lips and kissed her knuckles. She bit her lower lip, a telltale sign of her worry. I wanted to tell her Don McElroy’s days on Earth were numbered. One of these days, he’d let his guard down, and my men would be there to exact revenge. I wanted to tell her, but I didn’t. I could tell by the look in her eyes, she already knew.

  When the driver turned the Escalade onto the tarmac at the airport, she lifted her eyebrows. “What’s going on?”

  “I have a surprise planned for you.” I kept my voice nonchalant, but inside, adrenalin raced through my veins.

  “A trip?” The sparkle in her eyes sent my heart over the moon. She wrenched her fingers from my grasp and pressed a palm to her chest.

  “We never had a honeymoon. I thought we should take one now before the baby comes.”

  “Roman, no. We can’t.” With each word, her voice climbed higher. “I’m in the middle of contract negotiations with Malcolm. I don’t have any clothes.” The golden waves of her hair rippled as she shook her head. “You’re crazy.”

  “I’m perfectly sane. You’ve been working too hard, and you’re going to take a break. I insist.” When she opened her mouth to make an excuse, I pressed a fingertip to her soft lips. “I’ve already spoken with your doctor, and you’re cleared to fly. Your bags are packed and on the plane.”

  Her mouth bowed into a smile. “You’ve thought of everything, haven’t you?”

  “Damn straight I have.” I unbuckled my seat belt and slid to her side. Taking her chin between my thumb and index finger, I tilted her face up to mine. “If there’s anything I’ve forgotten, let me know. I’ll go to the ends of the earth to make you happy. I’d give you the moon, if you asked for it.”

  “I don’t need anything but you.” The tip of her tongue slid over her bottom lip. With a sigh, she closed her eyes and leaned in for a kiss. Our mouths met, and the world screeched to a halt. If I lived to be a hundred years old, I’d never stop loving her.


  I awoke to the sound of crashing waves and wind. After a healthy stretch, I sat up in bed and blinked. Above the canopy of the bed, dark wood beams crossed the ceiling. Gauzy white curtains fluttered on a sea breeze. The wall in front of me had been folded aside to reveal a panoramic, open air view of the ocean and beach. After the drab concrete and steel of Manhattan, the vibrant turquoise of the water and the brilliant explosion of flowers along the pathway to the beach seemed unreal. I drew in a lungful of salt air and blinked back tears of amazement.

  After a six hour flight, a helicopter ride, and a short boat trip, we’d arrived on a tiny island in the Caribbean. Roman’s private island. Being the wife of a billionaire definitely had its perks. I swept a hand over his side of the bed, missing him. The sheets felt cool to the touch. I had no idea how long I’d been asleep.

  Movement on the beach caught my eye. Roman emerged from the surf, naked and sun-bronzed. Droplets of water glistened on his hard body, caught in the wiry hairs of his chest and the happy trail leading to his groin. He shook his head, flinging the wetness from his black hair. My heart skipped a beat. No man had ever been more perfect, from his broad shoulders down to his muscular thighs and perfect cock. My husband. A thrill raced through me. I resisted the urge to pinch myself. This was my life. My life. Mine. How had I gotten so lucky?

  “You’re up.” He picked up a thick beach towel from the chaise at the edge of the patio and dragged the plush cotton over his body. His lazy grin stirred butterflies in my belly. “About time.”

  “How long have I been asleep?” I glanced around for a clock.

  “It’s noon.”

  “Seriously?” I threw back the covers and started to get out of bed. My stomach growled, reminding me that I hadn’t eaten in forever. “I’m starving. Do we have anything to eat?” We were alone on the island. No servants. No wifi. No paparazzi. Just clear turquoise water and infinite blue skies.

  He crossed the patio and entered the room, his bare feet slapping on the tile floor. “No. Stay. You need your rest, and there’s no hurry.” He bent to drop a kiss on the tip of my nose. I watched as he pulled on a pair of white draw-string pants. The waistband hung low enough to reveal the deep cut of muscle below each hip bone. “I made lunch for us. I was just waiting for you to wake up.”

  “You can cook?”

  “Of course.” My nipples tightened at the sight of his handsome, cocky smirk. “Have some faith, Mrs. Menshikov.” After a lingering caress of my cheek, he disappeared into the hall.

  I pulled on a loose-fitting sundress and paused to admire my growing baby bump. The nausea had subsided at the end of my first trimester. Aside from a ravenous appetite and dwindling stamina, I felt great. I loved having Roman’s baby inside me. Each day, I marveled at the miracle of the life we were creating together. “I can’t wait to meet you, little one.” I rubbed the protrusion on my left side, imagining a tiny knee or elbow pressing against the wall of my womb.

  Roman returned carrying a bamboo tray filled with grilled chicken, fresh pineapple and papaya, and mixed salad greens. He set the food on the patio table and came to my side. Bending down, he placed a kiss on the center of my belly. “I can’t wait to meet you either.”

  We ate lunch in the shade of towering palm trees and talked about names for the baby and decor for the nursery. Afterward, Roman led me down to the beach for a short tour of the grounds. The sweet fragrance of flowers surrounded us. He plucked a an orchid from one of the flower beds and tucked it behind my ear. “There. Now you look like a true island girl.”

  “Thank you.” Despite my excitement at being in a new place, I covered my mouth to hide a yawn. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t apologize. You’ve been working way too hard when you need to be taking it easy.” He threaded his fingers through mine, his blue eyes shining with warmth. “Come on. I know just what you need.”

  A few yards down the sandy path, we came to a clearing. Over a patch of lush green grass, a white hammock had been tied between four sturdy trees. I eyed it warily. My past experiences with these contraptions had been less than positive. “Um, I’m not so sure about this.”

  “It’ll be fine. Don’t be a worry wart.” In a graceful motion, he stretched out on his back, sinking into the soft pillows, and pulled me down beside him. “See? Perfectly stable.”

  “This is heavenly.” With a sigh, I curled into his side and rested my cheek on his bare chest. Beneath my ear, his heart thumped in a steady, reassuring rhythm. The sound of his pulse, the gentle sway of the hammock, and the distant rush of the incoming tide lulled me into a state of extreme relaxation.

  “Happy?” His deep voice rumbled through his chest. The tips of his fingers stroked along my arm.

  I sighed. “Yes. Extremely.”
Never in my life had I experienced so much bliss. I had the man of my dreams, his baby growing inside me, and the promise of his undying love. We’d been to hell and back since our wedding. After all the drama and stress, my Prince Charming had brought me to heaven.

  Under the lacy canopy of palm trees, we held each other. Neither of us spoke. Words couldn’t express my feelings in that moment. Thanks to my billionaire prince, I was the wealthiest woman in the world. Not with money or cars or power but with love and happiness and contentment. I’d found my happily ever after.



  Four years later…

  A warm summer breeze blew through the willow trees surrounding the lake. Fluffy white clouds shimmered on the water’s surface. I leaned back on the blanket near the shore and drew in a lungful of fresh country air. To my left, a rabbit paused to stare at me before darting into the woods behind us. To my right, my son ran across the smooth lawn, his little legs eating up the ground.

  “Mommy, Mommy!” Grayson squealed in delight. No words had ever sounded more beautiful.

  “Hey, there you are.” I caught him in my arms and rained kisses over his face. “I missed you.” He tried to squirm out of my embrace, but I squeezed him tighter. “You taste like chocolate. Did you have a good time at the store with Daddy?”

  “Yes. We had ice cream.” Smears of chocolate ice cream rimmed his full mouth.

  “And where is Daddy?” I shielded my eyes from the sun with a hand above my eyebrows.

  “There.” Grayson pointed a finger toward the house.

  My heart skipped a beat at the sight of my husband cresting the hill with our youngest, Claire, balanced on his shoulders. His blue eyes shone in the sunlight. Claire’s chubby hands clung to her father’s dark hair. The smile on his lips grew broader as our gazes collided.